RestoredCDC is not affiliated with, endorsed by, approved by, or connected to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or any other government agency. This site does not represent itself as the CDC. For official CDC resources, visit
While linking to the CDC website is a permitted activity, we have attempted to reroute most primary domain ( to our versions. However, we are continually working to improve our archive.
Most of the information contained within CDC pages is public domain and not subject to US copyright. We follow CDC's rules on using public domain content:
Attribution - all original authorship information has been retained and the original URL is provided in the site banner
Disclaimer - all pages include a prominent and unambiguous disclaimer in the banner where it makes clear that mirroring of material does not imply endorsement by the CDC or US federal government
No substantive changes - all mirrored pages are as close to the original versions as possible except for removal of CDC branding and statements suggesting the site is run by the US government
Free of charge - within the disclaimer, we will state that material is available free of charge by CDC
According to the website:
The CDC and/or ATSDR logo and other related CDC, ATSDR or Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) logos and marks are U.S. government property and may not be used without express written permission from CDC, ATSDR and/or HHS.
Accordingly, we never use CDC logos to represent this site, and we make every attempt to strip a mirrored page of the CDC logo.